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Nexstar’s WPIX in New York will air the show before its afternoon news, and other Nexstar Media Inc. “And to be producing alongside renowned crime journalist Elizabeth Vargas and veteran crime producer Scott Sternberg just checks all the boxes.” This new form of Everyman recordings has become an important new social media tool in helping law enforcement gain truth in crimes committed across the country,” Cohen, co-creator and CEO of distributor Trifecta, added. “We’re so gratified that stations have responded to this show in such a big way. Hank Cohen, Scott Sternberg, and Vargas all serve as executive producers on the series, which recently started production.Ĭo-creator Sternberg said, “The emergent widespread use of smartphones to immediately record everything as it happens gave us the idea to produce ‘iCrime.’ Video from anywhere and everywhere of real situations shot by all of us is a natural way to give viewers a daily dive into the unbelievable realism of crime videos … And having a host like Elizabeth Vargas brings ‘iCrime’ to another level.”

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